SEO Last Month May 2024: Updates on YouTube, Google Ads & Microsoft Ads

SEO Last Month May 2024: Updates on YouTube, Google Ads & Microsoft Ads

Stay updated with the latest digital news and updates
– Digital marketers should check for updates on the 5th of every month for important information
– YouTubers can now access new features for live streaming and analytics on YouTube, while Microsoft Ads is transitioning campaigns to enhanced CPC

Changes in Google Ads and Bing
– Transition from manual CPC to enhanced CPC for all campaigns happened on 13th April.
– Manual CPC option completely stopped from 30th April.

Update on Google Merchant Center changes and new feature releases
– AI-generated content must use structured titles and descriptions in Google Merchant Center.
– New features include a loyalty program, minimum price attribute, and installment attribute for EMI purchases.

New features in Google Ads with Generative AI
– Generative AI feature allows creating more images for Demand Gen campaigns
– Users can decide whether to use the AI-generated images and have control over the approval process

Google AdSense introduced the Ad Intent ad format
– Ad Intent analyzes page content to personalize anchor text and ads based on user intent
– Personalized ads increase publisher revenue and user engagement

Brave browser introduces Answer Engine with Mistral AI.
– Brave browser utilizes Mistral AI and in-house technologies for content creation.
– Users are encouraged to try Brave browser and its Answer Engine for a new browsing experience.

Google Publisher Center no longer allows new website sign-ups
– Google Publisher Center now automatically picks news publishers, blogs, or websites for inclusion
– New, small, or medium-sized websites may have difficulty being added to Google’s Publisher Center

Google’s slow communication on updates and changes
– Google recommended not making changes during updates, raising concerns about Google’s public relations and care for webmasters.
– Google Ads announced the automatic pausing of keywords inactive for 13 months, with the possibility of reactivation but with quicker monitoring.

Source: –

Also read: – How many types of SEO?

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